An animated series & Animation partners with SAMG, ZAGTOON, MAN OF ACTION.

Zak Storm is an new animated series by MNC  Animation partners with SAMG, ZAGTOON, MAN OF ACTION. This animation tells about the adventure of Zak the pirate and his crews on Bermuda ocean.

Zak is a regular kid in the middle of a surfing competition when he gets sucked into the Seven Seas of the Bermuda Triangle and finds himself the captain of a ship of misfits. He partners up with a magical talking sword named Calabrass, allowing him to power up into various protective armors with weapons to help him face the numerous perils of this foreign land.

Currently, It is aired on GTV every Monday to Friday at 6.00am and also aired on MNCTV every Saturday  at 11.30am

ZAK STORM dan MNC Animation Hadir Dalam Event SPABEX 2018
July 29, 2018 - Zak Storm
Jakarta – MNC Animation mengadakan photoshoot bersama tokoh animasi ZAK STORM di Smart Parent and Baby Expo 2018. Pameran berlangsung selama tiga hari sejak tanggal 27-29 Juli 2018 di JCC Assembly Hall mulai jam 10.00-20.00 WIB. Selalu berusaha penuhi kebutuhan masyarakat Jakarta akan hiburan, MNC Animation hadir sebagai official broadband partner dalam Pameran Smart Parent and Baby Expo 2018.
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Launching ZAK STORM
October 29, 2017 - Zak Storm
MNC Animation kembali mempersembahkan animasi terbaru. Sukses dengan serial animasi Kiko, MNC Animation dengan bangga kembali mempersembahkan serial animasi terbarunya yakni Zak Storm. Zak Storm menceritakan petualangan hebat peselancar remaja bernama Zak yang pemberani, keras kepala dan gemar berpetualang.
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