The animated series BIMA S starts airing October 4, 2020, and will air every Sunday at 12.00 WIB only on MNCTV. Don't miss it!
This called "action" and "adventure" genre series tells the story about Satria, a teenager who is spontaneous, brave, and likes to explore. But who would have thought, he would be able to transform into “BIMA S”. Equipped with awesome strength and powerful weapons, BIMA S and his five friends, Prof. T, Aurora, Ve, and Nadra-Rama must traveling across galaxies, fighting monsters and gathering the power of 7 magic matrices in order to stop Infernus, their greatest enemy with ambition to rule the universe.
After the success story of the live action series of BIMA Satria Garuda Series, which has aired on RCTI, MNC Pictures and MNC Animation have adapted the series into a 3D animation format with a different universe and time, also with much more interesting storylines. BIMA S is now in its second season with the theme THE HERO RETURNS